If you are just starting to use WP as Content Management System for you website, all information below is good for you.
1. Do not have admin as your username
Never choose “admin” as username of your Administrator account. The reason is simple because this name is usually used in WordPress setup examples. This username is common and is relatively easy to guess. When you choose this name as your username, the possibility is a hacker from somewhere in the world would try to kill your business by hacking your site.
You actually have a way through which you can know the right username for your Administrator account. All you need to do is just click on the “Users” tab showing on the left side menu. You will see a page with all possible usernames of your site. Now, if you are having an Administrator account with “admin” as its username, then choose a good name from this list and create a new Administrator account with that chosen name and delete your previous “admin” account.
By not changing your account, you are actually reducing the workload of Brute Force Attackers, because they now just have to break your password, as you have already provided them with your username. These Brute Force Attacks are among one of the biggest problems for WordPress. Despite of the fact that the large scale attacks have reduced significantly, WordPress is still facing these types of attacks on almost every single day.
2. Add Google Analytics
As the next tactic, place your Google Analytics code. There is a place where it prompts to past Google Analytics code. Copy the code, find the place and then just paste it there. If you do not want to do it again and again, then paste the code in functions.php file. After pasting it here, there will no need of you even thinking about it.
3. Change the Footer in WordPress Admin Panel
Some serious actions are being taken about wp-footer after which you will be able to automatically place adsense codes on all pages that you have set with wp-footer string. In an order to change your footer, go to your admin panel and do it by adding necessary links.
4. Dynamic Copyright Date in WordPress Footer
You would surely have come across sites that always show weird copyright dates. Sometimes, they show current year as copyright date which is not always true. It pours a bad impression on users. If you want to give your users a little information about your website, then your copyright date should be appearing like that: © 2008 – 2013. You can do this on your own by simply putting this code:
5. Remove Error Message on the Login Page
It is important for you that you discourage hackers by disabling the appearance of error message on the login page. This error message appears when you mistakenly write wrong username or password to enter into your Administrator account. This thing helps hackers, as they keep on trying until they get the right username and password. Just add this function code to discourage them:
"return null;"
6. Custom Post Excerpt Length
You can customize your theme by setting the excerpt length according to your wish, however; by default, it is always set at 55 words. You this function for customization:
function new_excerpt_length($length) {
return 100;
add_filter('excerpt_length', 'new_excerpt_length');
7. Customize Error 404 page
Create a new Error 404 page of your own.
8. Create mobile version of your blog
Take a mobile theme and make a mobile version of your website. It would help your users visit your site using their mobiles. Making a new Error 404 page on your own may also prove helpful for you. You should also install some social media plugin on your site, as it is a common fashion these days.
9. Automatically post to all Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin etc
Install social media plugin(s)
10. Create a Contributors Page that lists Author with Avatars and Other Details
Step 1. You need to have a Google Plus account in order to have your author profile to show up in search results.
Step 2. Go to Users and Your Profile. Under Contact info at Google + field past your Google plus account URL